Dental Care for Kids

Children’s Dentistry at Hillcrest Family Dental

Not everyone knows that kids should see a dentist regularly. There are lots of good reasons for this. Here are some of them:

  1. Get young children in to see the dentist, so they get used to going, and it becomes an important part of their routine, just like going to the family doctor for a physical exam every year. You want your children to recognize that dental health is important, and to start practicing good dental hygiene from a very young age.
  2. If children start going to a dentist from a very young age, a dentist who treats them kindly and gently, then they will never learn fear and anxiety about going to the dentist that plagues so many adults.
  3. Taking small children to the dentist can prevent dental problems with their second or adult/permanent teeth. It’s so important to take your small children to the dentist to prevent future problems with their teeth and gums.
  4. Children can have problems or cavities with baby teeth. Don’t wait until the child is in a lot of pain. Let’s prevent problems before they happen.
  5. It’s a good idea for children to learn how to brush and floss correctly from a young age, so they do it right and prevent problems later in life.

We treat patients from age 0 to 100+. We are happy to see your infants and toddlers.

Dental health during pregnancy is important, too. If you’re pregnant, definitely come to the dentist. There are certain issues you may face that are specific to pregnant women. Let us help you.

We will treat your children with kindness and compassion. Make an appointment, give us a try, and let’s work together to achieve optimal dental health for your child. You can call us at 604-758-5840, or fill out the online form on our Contact page.

Afraid to Visit the Dentist? Hillcrest Family Dental has a gentle approach. Give us a try!
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